1 Column Blocks

Typewriter automatically adds full-width to all blocks, extending the block to the full available width. Removing full-width constrains the column to the width of a column of body text. This is true for photos, embeds, dividers, FAQs, slideshows, & heroes. Columns of text (including insets) are the same, regardless of whether full-width is being used or not.


Formerly: Embed Audio/Video/etc.

CSS Class: block-21

Block Picker Tags: video, audio, map, embed — add: 1 col layout

Embed without full-width

Back to Top, Embed, Photo, Text, Text, Photo Inset Left, Text, Photo Inset Right, Slideshow, & FAQ


Formerly: Photo One Column

CSS Class: block-4

Block Picker Tags: photo, 1 col layout

Roman kraft p8zdqz8y2vc unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1
One column photos have the aspect ratio (width and height) of the original image. One column photo captions are always constrained to the content width.

Photo without full-width

Roman kraft p8zdqz8y2vc unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1
This photo caption should be the same as the caption above.


Formerly: Text One Column

CSS Class: block-3

Block Picker Tags: text, 1 col layout

Heading One

Heading Two

Heading Three

Heading Four

Heading Five
Heading Six

Paragraph Text with a Strong Heading

Soufflé soufflé lemon drops brownie lemon drops lollipop bonbon cookie. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. A link to nowhere. Cotton candy croissant bear claw tart fruitcake candy canes soufflé cookie soufflé. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu.

Powder pie topping brownie ice cream chupa chups. Star ❤️ Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake.

Blockquote & Citation Star ❤️

Candy lollipop bonbon muffin. Apple pie jelly beans apple pie halvah lemon drops. Danish lemon drops cupcake. Tart cheesecake jelly-o wafer pie jelly-o sugar plum soufflé brownie. Sweet pastry tiramisu muffin soufflé. Brownie jujubes sweet pie. Jujubes bonbon cotton candy.

Sugar Plum

Ordered & Unordered Lists

  1. List item one
  2. List item two
  3. List item three
  • List item one
  • List item two
  • List item three

Table & Header Link

Table Header
Data date doot deet Atad etad tood teed
Data date doot deet Atad etad tood teed
Data date doot deet Atad etad tood teed
Data date doot deet Atad etad tood teed

Heading One

Heading Two

Heading Three

Heading Four

Heading Five
Heading Six

Paragraph Text with a Strong Heading

Soufflé soufflé lemon drops brownie lemon drops lollipop bonbon cookie. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. A link to nowhere. Cotton candy croissant bear claw tart fruitcake candy canes soufflé cookie soufflé. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu.

Powder pie topping brownie ice cream chupa chups. Star ❤️ Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake.

Text, Photo Inset Left

CSS Class: block-5

Block Picker Tags: text, photo, 1 col layout, inset

The creative exchange d1ngw7snehm unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1
Caption text about the café photographed above.

Soufflé soufflé lemon drops brownie lemon drops lollipop bonbon cookie. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. A link to nowhere. Cotton candy croissant bear claw tart fruitcake candy canes soufflé cookie soufflé. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu.

Soufflé soufflé lemon drops brownie lemon drops lollipop bonbon cookie. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. A link to nowhere. Cotton candy croissant bear claw tart fruitcake candy canes soufflé cookie soufflé. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu.

Text, Photo Inset Right

CSS Class: block-6

Block Picker Tags: text, photo, 1 col layout, inset

The creative exchange d1ngw7snehm unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1
Caption text about the café photographed above.

Soufflé soufflé lemon drops brownie lemon drops lollipop bonbon cookie. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. A link to nowhere. Cotton candy croissant bear claw tart fruitcake candy canes soufflé cookie soufflé. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu.

Soufflé soufflé lemon drops brownie lemon drops lollipop bonbon cookie. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. A link to nowhere. Cotton candy croissant bear claw tart fruitcake candy canes soufflé cookie soufflé. Donut tart macaroon biscuit toffee chocolate cake. Pie sesame snaps chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu.


Formerly: Slideshow with Captions

CSS Class: block-86

Block Picker Tags: hero, photo, slideshow, 1 col layout

Hathaipat k l6ag rkpgnw unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

H1 Test

Elevate 5e jfidwfh0 unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

H3 Test

David greenwood haigh tcjftk5dwdg unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

Paragraph Test

Slideshow without full-width

Tony lee 8ikf54pc3qk unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

H1 Test

The creative exchange d1ngw7snehm unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

h2 Test

Joshua rodriguez f7zm5tdoi4g unsplash.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

H3 Test


CSS Class: block-75

Block Picker Tags: 1 col layout, faq

Optional FAQ Heading

Text Styles

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1 Column Blocks

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